ContainerPilot coverage

Twitter searches for #ContainerPilot and #AutopilotPattern turn up a number of interesting items.

ContainerPilot at

Running Docker application in Autopilot

The Autopilot pattern moves all the orchestration responsibilities to the application itself. This approach enables the application to run independently without relying on an external orchestrator.

Indispensable, Disposable Jenkins

But what if you could have a Jenkins environment that is completely disposable, one that could be easily rebuilt at any time? Using Docker and Joyent’s ContainerPilot, the team at HomePay has created a production Jenkins environment that is completely software-defined. Everything required to set up a new Jenkins environment is stored in source control, versioned, and released just like any other software.

Indispensable, Disposable Jenkins at O’Reilly Velocity

Mandy Hubbard explains how uses a customized, script-based startup process and Joyent’s ContainerPilot with a just few edits to a Docker Compose _env file to launch Jenkins in a Docker container. No configuration in the UI is required for Jenkins to start building. Simply run docker-compose up and the environment is ready to go.

Video available in O’Reilly online learning.

Kafka and Zookeeper on ContainerPilot

Michael demonstrated a “better solution”: a Dockerized Apache Kafka installation that uses Joyent’s ContainerPilot for scheduling. His solution – available at – was developed with small-to-medium-sized environments in mind. It leverages the strengths of Kafka and Zookeeper while circumventing the weaknesses of both. And it makes microservices accessible, even for small companies.

Tweet by Michael Arndt

Parse on Autopilot by SynchroLabs

Any and all of these containers can be scaled and all other containers will adjust automatically thanks to ContainerPilot.

It Orchestrates On My Machine

It simultaneously became clear to many people in the industry that we are not really solving the “it worked on my machine” problem but rather the “it orchestrated on my machine” problem. One pattern that is emerging from this idea is portable orchestration. ContainerPilot does it by embedding orchestration instructions within the application. [Mesos and Minimesos’] outside-in orchestration is old-school. It’s based on how we orchestrate applications now. ContainerPilot is new-school. It’s based on the how we might orchestrate applications in the future.

Self-Orchestrating Micro-Services and Flexible Configuration with ContainerPilot

All the orchestration solution / scheduler has to do is run your containers, and the containers themselves will self-organize. As a solution provider ourselves, this features was a must-have. Our customers can deploy our AutoPilot containers, from publicly published images, with no changes, regardless of the orchestration system they use, and everything will just work. And if a customer changed from one orchestration system / scheduler to another, no changes would be required to any Synchro micro-service Docker images.

ContainerPilot is a great companion to StashBox. We can use the ContainerPilot preStart hook to process configuration, including potentially getting configuration from StashBox, before our application is launched (by ContainerPilot).

Edgemesh on Autopilot Pattern and ContainerPilot

At Edgemesh we run our entire platform on Docker, and specifically we do most of the heavy lifting on the Joyent Public Cloud. We make heavy use of Joyent’s Autopilot Pattern which allows our containers to operate with a high degree of autonomy. We run our database systems inside the containers as well with on the metal performance via Triton. […]

But we do something which most people would find strange:

Every night we destroy every production container in every data center and redeploy the entire platform.

Yup. Every day.

Self-Organizing Microservices – Evaluating ContainerPilot on Mantl

ContainerPilot is more like DNA-based systems.

With a reference to this paper on self-organizing systems behavior.

Tweet by Archit Baweja

Tim Gross was the featured guest on Arrested DevOps, where he spoke about ContainerPilot and The Autopilot Pattern.