Cloud product portfolio

Longer retrospective of my Joyent product management work.

Product highlights

Competitive research

Selected speaking


Sample technical background

The links below go to items I wrote or products I built, as well as the work of the team I built and mentored as we scaled:

  1. ContainerPilot’s discovery tools presaged mesh efforts like Istio. ↩︎

  2. In addition to the multi-cloud Kubernetes service blueprint linked there, my experience includes deep exploration of internals while investigating the possibility of offering API-compatible service on top of our serverless Docker PaaS. Separately, I must acknowledge the risk of kubesprawl, including the management overhead and excess carbon emissions it can lead to. ↩︎

  3. It is a point of pride for nearly everybody at Joyent that AWS copied the Triton Docker value proposition with their Fargate service. Us ↩︎